
This page contains a list of the subprocessors that ChannelDock B.V. makes use of pursuantto our Privacy Policy and DPA. ChannelDock B.V. is a Dutch company registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 83335218 located at De Cuserstraat 91, 1081CN, Amsterdam.

Changes to this list

ChannelDock uses this list to communicate changes in subprocessors. Changes to this page are made when ChannelDock contracts new subprocessors. In the event that a subscriber does not agree to a change in subprocessors, the subscriber needs to contact ChannelDock in writing within thirty (30) days documenting their objection and the actions the subscriber wishes ChannelDock to take. When this does not happen, the subscriber consents to the change in subprocessors.

Infrastructure subprocessors

Infrastructure Subprocessors enable ChannelDock to provide the ChannelDock Service (as defined in our Terms and Conditions). The following is an up-to-date list of processors (as of the date of this document):

Entity Type of service Entity Country
DigitalOcean Cloud service provider US
Amazon AWS Cloud service provider US
Open AI AI service provider US

Other subprocessors

Other subprocessors enable ChannelDock to provide additional services outside of the ChannelDock Service. Examples of additional services are support and sales activities, marketing and work tracking.

Entity Type of service Entity Country Supports activity
SendInBlue Marketing emails US Marketing
Intercom Support US Support / Sales
Trustpilot, Inc. Reviews US Marketing